Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The the beginning!

Psych!! Hehe I have one last email to send out! I just had to with these last few days which were just so awesome I couldn't keep it to myself 😉don't worry I don't have enough time to make it too long. I just wanted to share some of the miracles I have seen.

I'll just start off by recapping a little of what I said last week. We were in the process of preparing for Samantan's baptism but we realized that we wouldn't be able to be here these next 4 days leading up to his baptism because we would be in different sectors to do exchanges with other Sœurs! So that was a little stressful, but the exchanges were so fun and I absolutely love the Sœurs in our zone. They're literally so on top of things and just hard workers. We went to Tour first with the wonderful équipe Sœurs Kennington and Newsom who are just a riot and down to earth. I learned that they always make the work fun and have a good attitude about everything. Then we went to Évry which is a little bit more south of Paris to visit the Sœurs Johnson and Stucki! They're crazy cool and so inspiring to me! Very hard workers, they're always making sure they are helping their amis progress and find people to teach. They don't let go of people easily haha. Had a blast with them 🙂
Friday we came back home and went straight to our DMPs house (our ward mission leader) so that we could prepare for the baptism the day after. Haha.

I'll say that everything with this baptism came together last minute, but it all turned out amazingly. He was baptized by one of his friends in the young men's class and it was so special. The spirit was so strong, it was true happiness. I loved every second of it, especially when it was all done... Took a load off my shoulders haha.

We were able to do service for the soup kitchen which was wrapping presents for those who wanted their gifts wrapped. I was so stressed, I didn't want them to wait too long while I wrapped and I wanted it to be nicely wrapped, let's just say that now I’m a pro at wrapping presents. I did that for 2 hours haha. It was super fun though.

Saturday night we had some good amount of venez & voyez invites left over (venez et voyez is an opportunity for members to invite their friends, less actives to come back, and visitors to come feel and see what we believe and just to learn more about our Savior Jesus Christ), so we wanted to do our best with giving out the rest of our invites. We got at least 141 invites that night... Pretty sure we gave out way more invites than that but we couldn't keep up counting them all. So it was so, so awesome and we felt super accomplished.

Samantan needed to be to the church on time for his confirmation Sunday... Well, it turned out that he slept in late and was going to be about 30 minutes late to church and so that would've been too late for him to be confirmed so he would need to do it the next Sunday. Samantan felt so bad and was doing his best to still hurry. I personally was so, so sad. So discouraged that my one job was to get my recent convert confirmed, and he wouldn't. It made it seem like we weren't on top of things and it was so hard. So as the brother conducting was about to announce the sacrament he paused for like a good 10 seconds. We were ready to give him the shake of the head saying he wasn't here to do it. But then right at that moment Samantan walks right in.  If he was a second later, he would've missed his chance. He had run all the way from the tram stop to the church. He was asked to come up and be confirmed and you have no idea how loud our sigh of relief was to know that it worked out. I literally cried because I was so happy that we were blessed with that miracle. Lol... Again everything regarding his baptism was last minute/second, but it all turned out so good.

The Venez & Voyez was so good! What a success. We had a 100 people come and usually on average we have 80 people attend. We also were able to have another miracle where out of the 141 invites we extended last night one person came!! She was so sweet and was happy we invited her and that she came. We were able to exchange numbers and we look forward to seeing her again soon!!

At the end of the church meeting. The bishop announced that the ward had a tradition they did every Christmas. They called us to the front and boy were we nervous. Then they brought us two big red bags filled with candy and food in thanking us for our service to their ward and the bags also representing all the other missionaries who served here in the past. It was so touching and so kind. I told you the members are amazing here. On top of that, the members made sure that we were taken care of for Christmas. We were stuffed, had lots of laughs and just had a great time. I’m so sad to say goodbye to them.

God is a God of miracles. He loves us so much. He knows the efforts and sacrifices we make and he adds his power on to our efforts to make great things happen. I'm again so grateful for this amazing work I was able to be apart of. I wouldn't have had it any other way. It's a blessing in my life and has changed me so much. I'm not the same as I was before. If we place ourselves in His hands then he make us into someone we never thought possible. Don't get me wrong though... I’m still not where I want be yet. I'm working on it still.

I love you all. Take care the rest of this week.

It's been a pleasure being a full time missionary for the Lord and humankind.

À plus ✌🏻 ( till later)
Je vous aime!! (I love you)

Sœur Hunt

Exchanges with Soeur Kennington

Exchanges with the Soeurs from Tour

Gift wrapping for our service

Christmas in the city of Tour

Gifts from the ward

From our amazing ward!

Saying goodbye to some of the best people!

Our ami (investigator)

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