Monday, October 15, 2018

Adventure is out there!

Well we had a week full of spontaneous adventures, great tender mercies with learning experiences of course :)

First our miracle ami Sophie got back in contact with us because we haven't been able to talk to her for the past 2 weeks. She told us to wait at the gare (train station) for her but she never came. Comes next day and she called again from an unknown number telling us to meet up to eat and talk. At this point I'm bracing myself for the worst. We met up and she took us to a petit café and fed us 100% raw meat, which wasn't terrible if you didn't think about the texture in your mouth. The fries saved me. She told us about why she wasn't able to contact us earlier, and all of the crazy things happening in her life. All in all, she's still interested and loves us to death and wants her kids baptized too! Funny thing is that her daughter is in love with my straight hair and wants me to be her “mother in Christ” lol! Problem is that she is 7 and she won’t turn 8 until next year and I go home soon. So, Sophie wanted us to figure out how to baptize them before we leave... uhh; bref (in short) we figured it out and we were all happy go lucky again :)

We were able to see an ami that we haven't seen since the beginning of last transfer.  It was short because we didn't have a lot of time, but we talked about the Book of Mormon and were going to review the restoration with her (because it had been a while) but she remembered everything so well and understood it! I love it when they're like that. She said that when she went to Paris to visit her uncle who is also meeting with missionaries! So, they were able to talk about it :) at the end of the rendezvous she told us that she doesn't like letting religious people visit her unless she feels good about it, so she said she doesn't let the Jehovah's witnesses in. She told us that she loves having us over and she feels really good when we talk.  She said she would love to have us over all the time if she was more available! So yeah, she's cool. The only sad part is that she had to give us back the Book of Mormon because her husband isn't religious and doesn't like it, so if he found it he would throw it away and she would rather it get taken care of and not thrown away. That was a bummer, but it's all good!

We met and talked to two refugees that moved here from Africa a few years ago. We taught them, and they liked it, but we think they were more interested in having shelter at the church, food and money for education. So that's a problem that we will work out. Hopefully they will still be interested in our message even if they don’t quite get everything they want :/ Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, it is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

We were going to stop by a less active’s house, but when we messaged her many times asking if it was still good for us to come over, she never responded. It takes an hour to get to her place and I didn't want to waste time if it wasn't going to work out. But then the thought came into my mind. By the trial of your faith will you then see the blessings. Kind of cheesy but I went with it. So, we went, and she was there! Her name is Marina and she was happy to see us. She just hadn’t seen our reminder messages. We met with her and her husband who doesn't exactly like who we are.  He still believes but goes to a different church.  She has a great relationship with the members of the ward and hopes to have us over again to eat a real African dish ha-ha.

Favor was been able to get her temple recommend yesterday! Emanuel and Joseph and Maxwell (all African members) were able to make appointments to get their recommends and receive the priesthood so they too can go to the temple! The ward is preparing to go to the temple the 17th of November and we're so excited!!!

So other than all that it was a great week and I look forward to another one coming up! Stay warm, stay fresh! I love you!

Soeur Sarah Hunt

Our raw meat dinner!

Looking at our apartment building from a cross the soccer field

Looking out across the soccer field from our apartment.
Playing soccer in the pouring rain.

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