This week was busy! We met a lot of cool people! To start we
had district meeting and then as a group with the ZLs and STLs we went and did
the Book of Mormon challenge! It was fun!
Afterwards we started our exchanges here in Nantes with the
Rennes Sœurs. I had the wonderful
opportunity to be with Sœur Crosby. She's a fire ball! We had a blast together.
We had great conversations, exchanged many ideas and prepared ourselves to work
even harder with the work! It was great to learn from her. She's pretty darn awesome!
God knows that I've been practicing a little bit of Spanish
lately (not really) so he's put some really cool Spanish people in our path! We
met a student from Peru whose name is Juan Pablo (hehe) He's such a tender man.
It was an amazing meet. He had a cute accent trying to speak French. He is here in France to study the language
with his cousin. We’re excited to meet with him again! We introduced ourselves
in Spanish and it was quite funny. There was another time (last week) I
stopped a lady who spoke Spanish. I started to introduce us in Spanish and well,
it didn't matter, lol😂, she saw Jesus Christ on the tag and said, “NO.” Ha-ha!
You know what, I tried!
Lately with our ami, Happiness, she's fallen off the face of
the earth. We thought her phone was weird or something, so we decided to stop
by her place before we dropped her for a bit. It's a good thing we did because
she was there and happy to see us! Her phone was broken was all! We talked and
shared another message and chose a date for her baptism in December! It was
Another time we were finding, and I stopped a guy who really
did not want to talk to me at the moment. Boy I was not expecting it ha-ha, but
this is what went down:
Moi: bonjour monseiur ! Excusez-nous, on est les.... (me:
Hello sir, excuse me, we are miss…)
Lui: est-ce que je vous ai interpellé ? (him: Did I ask you to talk to me!?)
Moi: .... (me: …)
Lui: laissez-moi tranquilles. *walks away* (him: Leave me alone!)
Ouch. My feelings were a little bruised but, THATS OK!
Afterwards we met this guy who was super sweet! He was walking his 9-month-old baby girl. He was actually from Vannes which is a little
further north but still in our zone. He was open to learning more and figure
some things out! He told us he has seen Elders in his area a while ago and was
looking forward to talking to us again!
We saw the Giraud family again!! They're getting everything
ready for their son’s baptism Sunday! We're excited for that!
We met with this guy, Hervé, who actually stopped us on a
tram a little while back while we were meeting.
It was like he was preaching to us... which is what he does for a
living. He goes proselyting all day, talking to people for 15 minutes about
Jesus Christ. So, it went nowhere, and we were only with him for 20 minutes,
but it felt like we were with him for an hour... while we were with him some
other random people were listening in and trying to add in their perspective
about Mohammad and the Koran. So yes, it wasn’t very efficient ha-ha. No one
wanted the Book of Mormon and he just wanted to talk so we cut it short and
We had a wonderful night with a less active and his
girlfriend (who wanted to know about what we believe) with 2 members! We had Raclette and we shared a little message about the Book of Mormon and the
members bore their testimonies. It was awesome and fun, and we hope to see them
again soon!
We also met with a man who moved here from the Congo 3 years.
Soeur Crosby and I met him on the bus and yesterday we taught him! He's such a
sweet man! It was awesome! We were able to have a member teach with us and we
got the chance to invite him to baptism which he gladly accepted!
2 things I learned this week were 1st: members make a huge
difference in a rendezvous (appointment) they
can be very powerful! 2nd: when you find/contact constantly you open so many
more doors to meeting so many more cool people, making your life so much more
enjoyable AND helping so many more people learn more about our Father in
Heaven. It's a pretty lively work which is just so weirdly fun to do
Love you all and please try to share your testimony with
someone. Let's not be egotistical and keep the good news to ourselves 😉
if it's hard for you, the thing I recently learned is once you KNOW that the
church is true, you won't be afraid to share its message. You won't be afraid
to tell people that we are THE church of Jesus Christ. You will not be afraid
once you know its truthfulness for yourself. Once you realize that it’s really super-duper
important you won’t want to hold back telling people about it. So, if you're
not at that point yet, then that's OK! Start by reading the scriptures and
praying, I promise it works 😉
Love you all!
Sœur Sarah Hunt
Exchanges with the Rennes Soeurs
Soeur Crosby
"I made yummy crepes)
"dinner prep"
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