Monday, April 2, 2018

The Power of Our Gospel

I want to start out saying I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE. whenever you're struggling or feeling lost or angry or anything. THIS GOSPEL CAN FIX THAT. I think to myself that if this gospel gives us real hope, gives us real happiness, real peace, a real chance, then how can it be bad? even if there wasn't something after this life, I’d still want to follow its teachings because it teaches me to become a better person. Love your neighbor, have a positive attitude, do some good in a day and serve someone. But I’ll tell you, I know that there is life after this that were all striving for.

I meet so many people in a day. Some responses just never cease to surprise me. Why wouldn’t you want to have a full knowledge of what God has to offer you? Don’t you want pure happiness? Don’t you want the hope of living with your family forever in everlasting peace? It’s the same response every time. “No, I already have what I need.” FALSE. There is soooo much more your loving Heavenly Father has and wants to offer you. It makes me so sad when people say they don’t need God. They don’t need Christ. why is that I ask? “All they've done is made things worse, they haven't done anything for me.” You’ve got the wrong perspective. Those are sayings of the world, that’s what the world wants you to think. God has given you a life to find out for yourself what you want. He's given you a way to have real happiness. I love how Uchtdorf explained it: It is impossible for us to live with God because of our sins... but Jesus Christ has provided a way. Its because of HIM we can have another chance and live again, we celebrate LIFE on Easter.

There were too many talks that I loved from this year’s Conference. I felt the spirit without a doubt throughout the whole thing, and right there is proof that I have God’s promise that I can have his spirit as my constant companion. I seriously can’t choose whose I liked better. All the men are such strong leaders who really speak by the power of God. President Nelson really is inspired by God. I'm so excited for these changes. I'm excited to be a part of such an amazing plan. We, all of us, are building the Kingdom of God. I would say though, I really liked the Sunday Morning session when we had Eyring, Oaks and Nelson in a row. They really spoke according to the needs of those like our amis who are searching for truth. We had the wonderful chance to sit in on a couple sessions in French with 3 of our amis. It's incredibly hard to get amis to church, but thanks to God we were able to make our goals. Our amis were able to feel the spirit and be edified. Although Elder Eyring, Oaks' and Nelson's talks were the fundamentals of our gospel I was able to still apply what was taught for myself because like Elder Oaks said, it’s the little things that matter. It’s the basics that matter. President Nelson finished very strong. His talk at the end almost made me cry. He said, "... you don’t have to wonder...through personal revelation you can receive YOUR OWN witness... regardless of what others may say or do, NO ONE can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true." I believe that wholeheartedly. It touched me so much because there really are so many influences in the world that tell you otherwise. You are important to God and he wants to tell you all things. Like Elder Brian K. Taylor said, "You’re a child of God" and NO ONE can tell you otherwise. I don’t want people to take that hope, that knowledge away from me. I love my Father and I know He loves me. I love the prophets. I sustain them all. I know they will help guide and direct us to eternal life.  There’s so much more I want to say about the conference, but you saw it for yourself and you know, and I’ve already said plenty I think ha-ha...

Life here in Calais is difficult sometimes, but I have this gospel to keep me happy, on track and with the right perspective of my purpose. The work is really picking up here and we're seeing a lot of miracles. I'm doing missionary work, not only to see immediate success from helping others, not only to help strengthen their relationship with God, but also to prepare myself for the Lord, for the work after this life and for my future kids. This is what this gospel means to me. This is why I am following my Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ. They love me, they give me joy, and eternal life.

"I am a real Christian that is to say a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ." -Thomas Jefferson

Have a great week! Love you all!

Soeur Hunt

Easter Breakfast

Happy Easter (package)

We sent Sarah in her Easter package her little stuffed dog that she's had since she was 2.  She was sad when we told her we had to put our sweet little Maddie down and we knew having her little stuffed dog would be of some comfort.

The beach at Calais

Local Bakery

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