Monday, May 14, 2018

On est béni par le Seigneur...

Me and Soeur Skouson (Skoozy) had a very fun opportunity to ride a boat bus. It is a boat bus because it stops at stops like a bus and we were able to use our bus passes for the boat haha! It was a fun little ride. The boat conductor was a very animated character, I guess he had to be in a way because there were a lot of kids on it. Well, as we were just getting situated the conductor was introducing himself and welcoming us aboard and then points to us and says, "On est béni par le Seigneur, merci d'être avec nous sur le bateau." (We are blessed of the Lord to have you two on the bus with us today) Glad we were able to bless them with our presence 🤣
We found this woman about 2 weeks ago on the road.  She's from Cameroon and has 3 cute girls and one little boy on the way... like very soon... she's pretty big haha. Anyways her name is Jennifer and we were able to go over to her house last Tuesday and teach her and her kids. Her husband was sleeping because he works nights. Anyways as we were getting to know her and just doing a little small chat. I asked her if her baby was going to be a girl or boy and then she said a boy and I responded saying, oh cool now you'll have two girls and two boys! She responded saying, no I have 3 girls... yikes... that got real awkward and I just nervously laughed it off and tried to continue speaking. LOL, me and my big mouth. Anyways we taught the whole restoration and it was awesome. Her kids were well behaved and participated well. The member who was with us was a big help too with bearing her testimony.
On Thursday we took a train to a nearby Ville named Aurduicq. We had time because it was a holiday and here on holidays EVERYTHING closes for the day. Also, one of our rendezvous was canceled so we had the whole day to just find and do studies. Well, because everything is closed, who's going to be out you know. So, porting!! Yayayayay. I enjoy porting (door knocking) especially when you find a cute area and the people are nice and the sun is shining which it all was! We were there for 4 hours just knocking on doors. It was so fun! The people were so nice, and we had many fun chats with people making our time together end on a good note. We want them to remember us well. We got a couple compliments on our French!!  I contacted an 18-year-old boy who I totally was expecting to be a parent or something... It through me off, but it was good I guess LOL... I ended up dancing weirdly down the sidewalk at one point too and an old man driving by started mimicking me in his car which was really funny.
We had exchanges in Lille which was a blast as always. I was with Soeur Hicken. She is only one transfer ahead of me and she's so fun! I love her! We were able to go to their amis house Julian who is from Bolivia.  He's been in France for a while. He's so funny and very nice. Soeur Hicken and I lead the lesson at the end and it was really good. He made us a very interesting dinner of cold rotisserie chicken and rice with potatoes and white sauce with ketchup that he mixed in with it for color... not terrible... hahaha. It was nice of him. At the end we had the privilege of listening to him play his pipes (flute). The next day Soeur Hicken and I did a very fun contacting session! I love Lille
Well to finish up we really are "...béni par le Seigneur..." (blessed of the Lord) because I had the wonderful opportunity to Skype my mom/family for Mother’s Day. It's nice knowing not a whole lot has changed, at least not the most important things. The more I go through my mission the more I realize how important families are. They really are the foundation for everything. Most importantly I know I get to live with them forever. Everything I am and hope to be is thanks to them. Where I am now is because of how I was taught I don't know where I'd be without them and this gospel. Tell your family you love them this week!
Love you all and have a great week!

Soeur Hunt

After 4 hours of porting, a rest on the grass sounded nice.

I love the tag photos she send us

"I love you mom"

"I love you mom"

Beautiful French country house

 The lovely ville of Andruicq

The door sign basically says, "If you're a Jehovah's Witness, we're not interested, keep moving!"

Our ami Julian

Beware the butcher knife for cutting carrots

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