There are only a few changes... nothing drastic like moving to a new ville or training, but I am getting a new companion. Her name is Sœur McBride, she seems really nice and ready to go. She's only 1 transfer ahead of me and she's coming from Belgium! On the other hand, Sœur Giles is leaving to be an STL in Paris with two francophones. In fact, her companion is from Canada so that'll be interesting for her. The other two people in her district are Asian and are speaking Mandarin Chinese and learning French. It's pretty cool. She's going to have a lot of fun. #byemom/polisher We are losing 12 Soeurs and 1 Elder this transfer and we're only getting 6 new Soeurs.
The work is progressing so much here! I'm going to tell you a little story. To start, back track to the beginning of the transfer when we were all super surprised that Sœur Giles was staying for her 7th transfer here. That’s like half her mission. The STL asked president why she was staying another one. His response was, "It just didn't feel right for her to leave yet. She needs to stay to see the beginning of a marvelous work there in Nancy." Boy was he dead right. First, we had a baptism with Raphaël and we hadn't had a baptism since April, here. Now current and up to date, between us 4 Sœurs, we have 6 baptismal dates and we had 8 amis at church yesterday. It's incredible the drastic change we are seeing here. It’s also not just the amis, but it's also the less actives. There were 3 less active families at church the other day too. The ward needs it. Also, the members are more trusting of us now, compared to a few months ago. I’m so excited to be able to help with this great work.
First, I'll start with Oceane to show you how things are faring. We saw her last Monday. We were going to start the commandments, but we've been going very fast with the lessons instead of making her foundation, on the Book of Mormon, well established. Because once you have your testimony firm on the Book of Mormon then everything else will fall into place and come easier. So, we spent the rendezvous with her just starting to read. We read the 3 testimonies and started reading in 1Nephi. We helped her to understand things as we went and from what she was sharing, she was understanding the things we were saying. We told her about the Joseph Smith's testimony on finding the plates and asked her if she wanted to read it together or by herself. She said she'd read it by herself because she's very intrigued by it. Super sweet and I'm excited to teach her commandments next.
Speaking of commandments, we saw Brian again and he's doing awesome. We were going to teach him the first 4 commandments, but we needed to explain more in depth the first two which were, pray often and study the scriptures. Up until this time, we would ask him to pray and read and he would just say yeah, I'll try. But we never really seemed to be getting anywhere. So finally, we stopped and asked him what was holding him back? You need to act on the things we’re giving you. His response was along the lines of, I don’t feel clean or worthy to talk to Him. So, once he finally opened up to us we were able to help him with his thought process and help him to understand. Now he's committed to doing something. Things are going well with him. He's been coming to church and he looks a little different.
Now, Emine. We saw her on Wednesday and she was by herself this time. We had some great chats with her and she was able to open up to us more which is really cool. What's extra cool was that she had been on the phone a couple of times with her friend Oceane, and our ami, and they were talking about church and us. All good things, all good things. Like I said already, what was cool was that our ami asked our other ami to come to church. Totally possible for her to come, but Emine doesn't like waking upon the morning that early. She lives far, but way more possible than other to come because she has a car. So, she's thought about it and we didn't even ask her, but we planned on asking her. Pretty cool. We explained the Book of Mormon so she could start reading it and she's excited to read it. We gave the lesson, restoration and she liked it. Again, she's intrigued and understanding. It was really cool, and I hope to see her again soon.
Yesterday at church, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament for the 31st of this month. It's just 10 minutes, but it's 10 minutes IN FRENCH. Am I being punished for not speaking a lot??! Oh well, I'll be fine, I hope... Like I said already, church was very full and a great turn out. There was a visiting family there too, just this once. They're from AMERICA, Washington state. They're traveling the world right now. They've already been out since June and have seen England and Spain. They spend like a month in each country seeing the biggest parts of them. Tomorrow they're heading to Paris to finish up before they go to Germany. So, so cool and so, so lucky. It was fun talking with them about the new Star Wars moving coming out and other past movies that I've missed. It was especially fun to talk to them in a language I know... speaking of languages. One of our amis that we had come, is from Ecuador and speaks Spanish, obviously, and she doesn't really speak English or French very well. But she understands it. I told her I've been wanting to learn Spanish and that she'd need to teach me sometime. She was able to speak with our DMP leader because he's from Mexico and can clearly talk with her. When Luis (our DMP) couldn't be with her, I would try and translate for her... LET ME CLARIFY, I don't speak Spanish, so I translated to English it gave her things in Spanish to read. It was kind of a cool experience. Her name is Karol and she's super awesome. Hope to see her again soon!
Well to finish up my adventures from this past week, we went to Paris on Thursday because Sœur Giles needed to get her second-year legality. The place is like the DMV. It took a total of 2 hours of waiting in line (I sat in the waiting room talking to francophones), from 10:50 - 12:50. Our train back to Nancy was at 2:15 and we were running out of time. We wanted to see Notre Dame (which I saw from a mile’s distance) and we wanted to go to a fancy target store that was called Hema. Again, we didn’t have time, because everything took a long time, but I know I'll have more opportunities to see things later on.... hopefully. But what I did see, was my good friend, Elder James McDougal in passing. I stopped him and had a very brief chat because again we were in a hurry to catch our train. It was fun seeing him. Speaking of Elder McDougal, I heard he's training! What a guy.
Anyways, thanks everyone for being awesome and supporting me and loving me and everything. BETTY LLOYD, thank you for the very sweet Christmas card. You're the best and I really appreciated it. Have yourself a very Merry Christmas.
Talk to you all next week!
Avec Amour,
Sœur Sarah Hunt
P.S. I learned Morse code. Legitimately. •••• •- •••- • -• •••- • •-• -•-- -- • •-• •-• -•--
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The work is progressing so much here! I'm going to tell you a little story. To start, back track to the beginning of the transfer when we were all super surprised that Sœur Giles was staying for her 7th transfer here. That’s like half her mission. The STL asked president why she was staying another one. His response was, "It just didn't feel right for her to leave yet. She needs to stay to see the beginning of a marvelous work there in Nancy." Boy was he dead right. First, we had a baptism with Raphaël and we hadn't had a baptism since April, here. Now current and up to date, between us 4 Sœurs, we have 6 baptismal dates and we had 8 amis at church yesterday. It's incredible the drastic change we are seeing here. It’s also not just the amis, but it's also the less actives. There were 3 less active families at church the other day too. The ward needs it. Also, the members are more trusting of us now, compared to a few months ago. I’m so excited to be able to help with this great work.
First, I'll start with Oceane to show you how things are faring. We saw her last Monday. We were going to start the commandments, but we've been going very fast with the lessons instead of making her foundation, on the Book of Mormon, well established. Because once you have your testimony firm on the Book of Mormon then everything else will fall into place and come easier. So, we spent the rendezvous with her just starting to read. We read the 3 testimonies and started reading in 1Nephi. We helped her to understand things as we went and from what she was sharing, she was understanding the things we were saying. We told her about the Joseph Smith's testimony on finding the plates and asked her if she wanted to read it together or by herself. She said she'd read it by herself because she's very intrigued by it. Super sweet and I'm excited to teach her commandments next.
Speaking of commandments, we saw Brian again and he's doing awesome. We were going to teach him the first 4 commandments, but we needed to explain more in depth the first two which were, pray often and study the scriptures. Up until this time, we would ask him to pray and read and he would just say yeah, I'll try. But we never really seemed to be getting anywhere. So finally, we stopped and asked him what was holding him back? You need to act on the things we’re giving you. His response was along the lines of, I don’t feel clean or worthy to talk to Him. So, once he finally opened up to us we were able to help him with his thought process and help him to understand. Now he's committed to doing something. Things are going well with him. He's been coming to church and he looks a little different.
Now, Emine. We saw her on Wednesday and she was by herself this time. We had some great chats with her and she was able to open up to us more which is really cool. What's extra cool was that she had been on the phone a couple of times with her friend Oceane, and our ami, and they were talking about church and us. All good things, all good things. Like I said already, what was cool was that our ami asked our other ami to come to church. Totally possible for her to come, but Emine doesn't like waking upon the morning that early. She lives far, but way more possible than other to come because she has a car. So, she's thought about it and we didn't even ask her, but we planned on asking her. Pretty cool. We explained the Book of Mormon so she could start reading it and she's excited to read it. We gave the lesson, restoration and she liked it. Again, she's intrigued and understanding. It was really cool, and I hope to see her again soon.
Yesterday at church, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament for the 31st of this month. It's just 10 minutes, but it's 10 minutes IN FRENCH. Am I being punished for not speaking a lot??! Oh well, I'll be fine, I hope... Like I said already, church was very full and a great turn out. There was a visiting family there too, just this once. They're from AMERICA, Washington state. They're traveling the world right now. They've already been out since June and have seen England and Spain. They spend like a month in each country seeing the biggest parts of them. Tomorrow they're heading to Paris to finish up before they go to Germany. So, so cool and so, so lucky. It was fun talking with them about the new Star Wars moving coming out and other past movies that I've missed. It was especially fun to talk to them in a language I know... speaking of languages. One of our amis that we had come, is from Ecuador and speaks Spanish, obviously, and she doesn't really speak English or French very well. But she understands it. I told her I've been wanting to learn Spanish and that she'd need to teach me sometime. She was able to speak with our DMP leader because he's from Mexico and can clearly talk with her. When Luis (our DMP) couldn't be with her, I would try and translate for her... LET ME CLARIFY, I don't speak Spanish, so I translated to English it gave her things in Spanish to read. It was kind of a cool experience. Her name is Karol and she's super awesome. Hope to see her again soon!
Well to finish up my adventures from this past week, we went to Paris on Thursday because Sœur Giles needed to get her second-year legality. The place is like the DMV. It took a total of 2 hours of waiting in line (I sat in the waiting room talking to francophones), from 10:50 - 12:50. Our train back to Nancy was at 2:15 and we were running out of time. We wanted to see Notre Dame (which I saw from a mile’s distance) and we wanted to go to a fancy target store that was called Hema. Again, we didn’t have time, because everything took a long time, but I know I'll have more opportunities to see things later on.... hopefully. But what I did see, was my good friend, Elder James McDougal in passing. I stopped him and had a very brief chat because again we were in a hurry to catch our train. It was fun seeing him. Speaking of Elder McDougal, I heard he's training! What a guy.
Anyways, thanks everyone for being awesome and supporting me and loving me and everything. BETTY LLOYD, thank you for the very sweet Christmas card. You're the best and I really appreciated it. Have yourself a very Merry Christmas.
Talk to you all next week!
Avec Amour,
Sœur Sarah Hunt
P.S. I learned Morse code. Legitimately. •••• •- •••- • -• •••- • •-• -•-- -- • •-• •-• -•--
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My district |
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Soeur N. Left me her cube! |
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DMP Family |
Through the looking gate |
Beyond the gate |
Place Stanislas |
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