This week went by incredibly fast. It's weird that it's already the 3rd week into the transfer. The Sœurs and us are handling life here well. Work is progressing so much. Compared to when I first got here we now have 3 solid amies and even have a baptism next Saturday. The members are so much more involved in our work now too. Like the President has told us, we are here to see the work in Nancy start. I really have seen so many more miracles and things begin. Its changed so much since I've been here. I'm glad I've been able to help with the little French that I know.
On Wednesday we had a rendezvous with Emina, the girl that I met on exchanges two times ago and who we helped move into her new apartment. So ever since the last time we helped her move, I've constantly been trying keep in touch with her until she either blocked me or told us to buzz off. I just kept thinking we shouldn't let her go even when she already said she wasn't interested. So our idea was to slowly slide in with the gospel the more we helped her, the more we built trust with her and the more she got to know us. So after she said she wasn't interested in the gospel we decided to just become her friend. We would check up on her every once in a while and see how she was doing. Eventually she asked us to come over to her house some night and have dinner with her! She really likes us. The last time we came over she was going to give us coffee and turn on the TV because I think what she thought we were all going to just relax and chat. So we knew we needed to tell her our rules... we did and she thought it was very surprising and interesting. When she made lunch for us, we asked if we could say a prayer with her because that's what we do. She said sure and it was a good first prayer with her. After we said it, she thought it was very nice!
Then while we were eating, she opened up about her life so much. She trusts us now. I told you she had kids when she was 16 and has never been married. Her ex boyfriend was a crazy guy. He stabbed her in the thigh, and we know this because she stood up right then and there and pulled down her pants to show us... I wasn't expecting that. Her ex would also give drugs to her kids and now he's in jail because he stole a car. She never wanted to dump him because he threatened to kill her brother. So yes, she's had a very rough life. She doesn't get to see her kids that much anymore, but she just found out from the judge that they can stay with her for 4 days during Christmas. It was such a very cute sight to see her so happy about that. So while she was telling her story about life we would testify about what we believed. She thought what we were saying was really reassuring and sweet. It was a very good moment to be with her for a bit, because she also lives alone a lot. Her boyfriend works so he's not home much.
While we were heading home together back on the bus, Sœur Giles was showing pictures of her and her family to Emina. I was just watching Emina's face absorb it all. The pictures that Sœur Giles was showing were of her brother getting married in the temple and also just random ones of her family. Overall everyone looked really happy in them. At the end of showing them, she showed the temple to her and explained what we do there. Perform sacred ordinances and we're able to be sealed together forever with your spouse and family. I could definitely tell she wanted something like that with her family. I know she wants to be with her family forever. She loves her kids. At the end she told us that some day she was going to get married.
Once we got off from the bus, we told her how much we enjoyed being with her and for her stories and for being such an amazing person. She wanted us to come back over this week. We asked if we could share more about our gospel and why we were hear. She then said, she would love to hear more. I just knew that if we kept being her friend and testifying that she would come around. Our story kind of reminds me of the story in Alma. How Ammon befriended the King and eventually by serving and loving him, was able to share this beautiful message. I'm excited to see her on Wednesday to talk more.
Also, Sœur Bell and I went finding by ourselves and boy was it difficult. I was pretty much the leader and I don't even know exactly what I'm doing! But it was a fun experience. We talked to this one really sweet lady who was probably in her early 20s. She listened to us and I asked her questions and testified. She understood me and it was pretty good. She said she just wasn't interested or even had the time for God. She was very nice for just listening, but it was sad she didn't want to learn more. At the end before she walked away, she told me I had pretty good French. That made me happy. She asked me how long I'd been here and I told her 3 months and she was so shocked. She said I was doing really good and to keep it up. I felt much happier after that.
This week was a week of figuring our my purpose as a missionary. I'm here to love the people. I haven't been able to figure out how to do that yet. I've been really trying to work on it. So this Thursday and Friday we went to Luxembourg for exchanges. I went with Sœur Miguel to go finding Thursday night before our rendezvous. We met this one lady and I guess I can say she was a bit arrogant. She thought she knew things and just looked like she was humoring us. She had met the missionaries on the street before but didn't stop to listen to them. So I guess this time she decided to stop and listen. Sœur Miguel was talking first and stopped the lady and the lady just listened, She said some thing but I didn't really understand. Then I heard her say, what makes you different from the rest of the other religions. I was thinking, oh wow, that's a tough one, you got it Sœur Miguel. Then I saw Soeur Miguel look at me giving me the cue to answer her question. My heart stopped beating. I think I died for a sec. So I started to answer, "nous croyons.... uh...." Then she said, "you know, I do speak English. I said, "oh good..." she said she likes to see people try and speak a different language to practice... Thanks. Well so I didn't speak still for a good 20 seconds because I wasn't sure where to start and how to actually answer. Then I ended up starting with Christ's earthy ministry all the way to the restoration with Joseph Smith. Towards the end I felt the spirit and the spirit was putting words in my mouth. I didn't think I did very well. The girl didn't say anything and she kept saying she needed to leave and she didn't want to be rude. She said that we were wasting our time on her because she wasn't really interested. Even though I was pretty frustrated with her and myself, I ended up saying things I didn't even realize I was saying. I testified of the importance of this gospel and how we weren't wasting our time on her. She then said, well isn't this your job to convince others to join your religion? I responded saying, well no, we chose to come here. We chose to help people come closer to Christ, but not by forcing. She was intrigued by that. Then I continued saying, that we were here to help the people find true eternal happiness and strengthen their relationship with God. We know how important this gospel is because we've felt the happiness and experienced true peace and blessings in our lives and we wanted to share it with people here. I felt the spirit at that point. She responded by saying sorry I don't want to be rude, but I really need to go. That was that. After that I realized what I said was from the spirit. I realized how much I wanted her to understand this gospel and how much we cared for her. But I didn't realize that by myself. The spirit put me through that so that I would learn. It seriously left me utterly perplexed. But I'm very grateful I went through that even if it was very tough and awkward.
We met one more lady that I just felt love for. I mean, I'm still learning to love the people, but in this moment I was taking a step forward on my way to reaching that goal. She was a pregnant lady who lived all by herself. She is Muslim and had no idea who Jesus Christ is. She was super sweet and was listening to us, but she really wasn't interested. It was just an interesting experience. I barely knew her, and yet I totally understood her life with just a few words that she had told us. I realized how big and important this gospel is and there are a ton of people who don't know about it. Its like I know these things, but sometimes depending on my situation, it just clicks in a different perspective. Its so amazing the things you learn and feel being out on a mission. Anyways, I wanted her to know, and I wanted to help her. She wasn't interested and it was actually kind of sad. I know what people are missing out on. I know what I feel and I know what I've learned and I can't deny it's truthfulness.
Sorry for the ramble. Moving on to our rendezvous later that night after our finding experience. This family spoke Portuguese. We had a member come with us to translate who was related or a family friend, I can't remember. There was a sister who was a member and her daughter as well. But not their mom or their brother. I just realized we were speaking 4 different languages during the lesson. Nothing would've been possible if it wasn't for the spirit. When the sister gave her experience on praying about the Book of Mormon she started to cry. She said when she felt what she did, she said she finally found the true church. She couldn't deny what she felt. She then started crying harder and said she just wanted her family to be with her forever too. I got pretty teary eyed even when I didn't exactly understand what she was saying. I'm telling you when you don't understand if people are speaking Portuguese or even French and you still cry... you know the spirit is real. We asked the brother and mother to be baptized by January and the brother said yes. The mom said she would still be searching. But it was such, such a great experience. During the lesson I just didn't want it to end. I felt so happy and I just didn't want to leave. I felt like I had everything I wanted and that I just didn't need anything else. I felt like I was with my family. I mean I am trying to help God's children find salvation which means I'm helping my siblings. Seriously it felt like true happiness. Then afterwards we ate cake the brother made which was lemon and super good and sang happy birthday and I got teary eyed at that too because everyone felt and looked so happy. It was just a sight I'll never forget.
Well, one last thing that happened that I'd like to share is our surprise rendezvous with our ami Caroline and her husband Dominique. She was out of town these past few weeks and just got back. She was moving into a new apartment and a new office. We decided to text her to see how she was. She asked us if we wanted to come over to her office and help her rearrange her office to see what would look best. She also texted us back saying if we could set up an appointment for this week to have a lesson and a prayer. We left right away. We got to her place and we had herbal tea and chatted about life and about what we do as missionaries. The whole thing was just to catch up and see each other. They really enjoy us and like our company. She even reached out to us for a lesson. It was really nice just being able to talk with them. When we were done Caroline wanted to finish with a prayer. She absolutely loves our prayers and she always feels something when we pray. She and her husband always give each other this, that was so sweet, look afterwards.
Anyways, things are going well with her and the rest of our amies. We are getting ready for Raphael's last lesson before his baptism and it's going to be fun. I love the things I learn and the things that are just starting. Its fascinating. This gospel is real. I love what it does to people's lives. I couldn't be happier. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Thank you all for your support, love and prayers. It makes a big difference. I hope everything is going well for you all back home. I pray for you all the time as well.
Chat next week! and Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
Sœur Sarah Hunt
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Finding with Soeur Bell |
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Exchanges in Luxembourg |
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Exchanges |
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Avoiding the weird man down the hall |
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New amis |
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