Monday, October 9, 2017

Seeing the people I love again

So I guess I'll start by saying a lot of things have changed and I am finally legal here. This week was pretty tiring, but I signed up for this so it's great! It was a tough week; it's especially hard when you're tired because this work takes up a lot of your energy and time. I mean granted this is all I'm doing 24/7 but I'll say it again and again, this is no sacrifice for me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than right here in France. 

Tuesday we had a good district meeting. We (my comp and I) did the practice teaching for the Restoration. I memorized, in my own words, half of the lesson plan to be able to contribute and teach. It turned out very well and I was able to say everything I needed to. I'm always nervous to do that because other experienced missionaries are watching and listening.

Wednesday we had Zone Conference. We went from 10h till 18h. Very long, but President is always very prepared with many things to talk about. Our goal this month for baptisms is 32. So this last Sunday we fasted as a mission for our goal. We hope to be able to have success and move this work forward because it’s very important. Then the moment we had been waiting for... Facebook. Yeah, still at this point in time I wasn't really thrilled but I was willing to listen to the reasons we were getting it. This is what I learned:

"Throughout history, God has used divine instruments to further His purposes. For example, the Urim and Thummim aided in the translation of God’s word, and the Liahona provided Lehi and his family with direction as they journeyed to the Promised Land. Concerning divine instruments in our day, President Spencer W. Kimball proclaimed, “I believe that the Lord is anxious to put into our hands inventions of which we laymen have hardly had a glimpse"... President Kimball continued, many technological instruments have been revealed to further the Lord’s purposes, and you are now able to utilize these tools in your work. Elder L. Tom Perry announced: “Missionaries are now authorized to use the Internet in their proselyting efforts..." Moses 1:39 "This technology you are now receiving is intended to help you in your service to the Lord as He hastens His work..." -(Safeguards for using Techonolgy Introduction).

We watched many videos of missionaries from other missions use Facebook and it's pretty incredible how well it works. I have begun to realize how great this can be. Not only had I realized that using Facebook will help me work with my amies better, but that this is asked of us by God. He is not living in the past. He will have us do ANYTHING to help him gather his lost children back into his fold. I realize that this isn't about me. I need to get that stuck in my brain. It's not about what I don’t like or what I do like. It's about God's purpose in bringing his children back to Him. Isn’t this why I’m out here? I can go on Facebook to share messages with my amies, and video chat if I cannot meet with them face to face. I guess anyone can follow me but I will only be using it for the French people here. I am mostly following missionaries and members and amies here. So my posts will all be in French. Every time I get on, I will have a purpose in completing this work. And maybe I can help someone back home who is struggling in some way too. I would love to help in any way possible. 

Anyways, my interviews with the President went well, it was shorter than last time. I told him the story about how I met Caroline and he thought it was cool and told me to share it on the private missionary Facebook page. We'll see... but yeah:)

So then Thursday came around and the Toul Sœurs came over (Sœur Bennett and Sœur Sedrick) to sleep the night before we all headed out together in the morning to catch our train at 7h15 for PARIS. The train ride there was incredibly beautiful. But boy was I tired. I fell asleep for the last 30 minutes of the train ride. The ride there was 1 hr. And 45 min. It's all country and hills and fields and big scary looking beautiful clouds and the rising sun in the East! Have I said that I love train rides because it’s so beautiful to see the countryside pass by? Well, too bad I'll say it again. IT'S GORGEOUS.

We got to Paris and had a meeting right off. We talked about OFII and cleaning and rules as just a review. Once the 2 1/2 hour meeting was done we had a few minutes to eat and chat and then head over to the Legalities office. We had such a great time chatting with each other. We chatted about our areas and showed each other pictures. It was sooo nice seeing the MTC Sœur squad again. Sœurs Hatch and Kennington complete it obviously. There wouldn't be a squad if they weren't there. I love them all to death. It was such a blessing to take a bit of a pause and catch up. I miss them a lot and didn't realize how much they all mean to me until we all separated from each other. We'll all get through it together. I hope someday we’ll all be able to serve in the same area together! 

Moving on, OFFII (Legality office) We got there remember, all this is in French. We had to do medical check-ups... the lady was calling our names but we could not understand her. She was frustrated and impatient but I'm sure her job is very demanding. She has to see a lot of people in a day. So we were told to be happy and easy to handle for them. Yeah well that doesn't work too well when you don’t understand what she's saying! But I was towards the end of the group and by then she became way, way nice with us. She spoke English too! What a surprise... Everyone speaks English here. When it was my turn she asked for my number and I gave it to her in French and it was awesome! I didn't hesitate and she understood! She asked me at some point if I wanted to answer some questions in English or French but I didn't understand completely because she has broken English mixed with French so I just said English because I like that word. Then she gave an 'are you joking' look. Then I said, "ok never mind, French is good."  She then said, "that's more like it." We talked and helped each other speak the languages with the pronunciations and laughed a lot. I really enjoyed it. She was a sweet older lady. During the check-up I had to have my chest ex-rayed completely. Rather uncomfortable especially since it was a man... I also had an eye check where you read a bunch of numbers and letters. I said them all perfectly in French without hesitation! I was pretty proud of myself. I also lost 5 pounds! So yeah it’s awesome. 

Once we were done we headed back to the church. We were going to see Notre Dame but we had less than an hour to go back to our train. The President said we are allowed to see famous sites again. Only a few are still restricted, but not all of them anymore! 

 The metro system is crazy. It's a huge maze. I kid you not. Anyways, we left in a hurry. It was sad to say goodbye and not have dinner with the pals... but I’m sure I’ll see them again. The metro delays very easily. By the time we got to the stop where our train was we had 5 minutes before our train left. If we didn't make our train, #1 we would've had to wait for a while for the next one and #2 we would've had to pay a fine because after this train our ticket expires plus we really needed to be home by 9. So we were full on sprinting through the Gare (train station) up and downstairs. My thighs were killing me. I’m sweating hardcore and really trying to stay caught up with everyone before the train leaves. I said a little prayer asking if we could make it to the train in time. Very quick, very short. We got to the train and I was the last inside right as the doors were closing. Tender mercies are real everyone. 

The last couple of days were slow and tiring from our crazy trip into the city. For some reason, this weekend I was really hard on myself in the language department. I really, really hate having to stay quiet because I don't know how to say anything... I love talking to people and getting to know them. So it’s very frustrating. So I was just annoyed at how I couldn’t understand anything as well as speak. It's just really hard when you're out of the loop of things all the time.

We visited the Fréards (members) yesterday. They gave us a wonderful lunch and I had so much I didn't even eat dinner and we ate at 14h30. We had a nice chat and a wonderful meal. Very tasty. They're such awesome people I love them to death. They have three boys and a baby girl. All so very cute, but holy cow are they nuts! It's like the cheaper by the dozen movie on steroids! They scream and run and throw and cry and much more. At one point while we were eating they kicked a rubber ball across the table and knocked over the coke bottle right onto the roast. I bet they’re so exhausted from dealing with them all day every day. They’re so sweet and patient with their children it’s astounding. I wouldn't be able to handle that. 

After dinner we gave spiritual though from Elder Rasban on "By Divine Design"

 "What should you be looking for in your own life? What are God’s miracles that remind you that He is close, saying, “I am right here”? Think of those times, some daily, when the Lord has acted in your life—and then acted again. Treasure them as moments the Lord has shown confidence in you and in your choices. But allow Him to make more of you than you can make of yourself on your own. Treasure His involvement. Sometimes we consider changes in our plans as missteps on our journey. Think of them more as first steps to being “on the Lord’s errand.”

Some months ago our granddaughter joined a youth group to tour several Church history sites. The final itinerary noted that she would be passing through the very area where her missionary brother, our grandson, was serving. Our granddaughter had no intention of seeing her brother on his mission. However, as the bus entered the town where her brother was serving, two missionaries could be seen walking down the street. One of the missionaries was her brother.

Anticipation filled the bus as the youth asked the bus driver to pull over so she could greet her brother. In less than one minute, after tears and sweet words, her brother was back on his way to fulfill his missionary duties. We later learned that her brother had been on that street for less than five minutes, walking from an appointment to his car.

Heavenly Father can put us in situations with specific intent in mind. He has done so in my life, and He is doing so in yours, as He did in the lives of our dear grandchildren.

Each of us is precious and loved by the Lord, who cares, who whispers, and who watches over us in ways unique to each of us. He is infinitely wiser and more powerful than mortal men and women. He knows our challenges, our triumphs, and the righteous desires of our hearts."

We shared this with their family. Afterwards we asked them what they thought. They were arguing on who should speak. The mood after that changed dramatically. They said that they believe that there's a plan and everything, but they don't think God is in the little details of our life. It was kind of sad to hear. But I'm sure that was really hard for her to confess. Sœur Giles gave an experience from back when we were in Paris this last week. When I was doing OFII, she was with another Soeur finding.  She came upon this man who said, "why do you do this? The world would be so much better if we didn't have religion. We don't need a God. Man can do things on their own. Religion just causes trouble. So no I don't care about God."  Then Sœur Giles' comp at the time asked, "If God were standing by you right now, would you follow him?" He said no. So they left and that was that. She said it reminded her of how Moses was on the mountain receiving the tablets and God was with him and showing him wonderful things and telling him he’s a wonderful son of God. Then Satan comes right after that and says you're a son of man. She said that experience with the man made her think of that story in the scriptures. Then in the moment, she started to get frustrated and she began to cry. She said, "NO! YOU are a son and daughter of GOD! Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!"  The spirit was so strong. I even cried. I didn’t realize that I personally needed to hear that. Even through my struggles and hardships now, someone higher than this world, GOD, cares for me. I belong to someone so much greater. I have a divine destiny much greater than what we'll be facing down here. Our trials and hardships just prepare us for our divine design and destiny.

We finished up by saying that God cares for us no matter the circumstance. They both really liked what we said and cried a little too. But it was mostly Sœur Giles. It really looked like they were questioning their faith. I really want to help them, so hopefully I can. She did ask us to come back in a couple weeks to help her clean up the house. She's been very busy and stressed with the kids and work and such. The other night we cut out a bunch of hearts and wrote scriptures and a note to each member of the family on the hearts. We mailed it to them today and I hope they like it. 

Anyways, that's my week. Hope you enjoyed hearing the crazy things that are going on in my life right now. I love every second of everyday being here. Even through the bad I love it because I understand why we have the bad and I know I'll get through it. Thank you for everything you do for me. I appreciate the support and love.

Talk next weekSoeur Hunt 

Train ride to Paris

MTC Soeur Squad
MTC Squad

Church yard in Paris

Side street in Paris from the train

HAHAHAHA a baguette vending machine.  They love their baguettes. Can you blame them!

Asleep on the train

Sarah and her companion, Soeur Giles

Sarah's Pasta Carbonara

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