There is so much for me to say! I only have an hour to email and you think
that’s enough, but until you're actually typing or writing down your
experiences you realize how much actually happens in a day. Sometimes you think
well, nothing really happened today but as a matter of fact, there is always
something to record and remember, even the littlest of things.
This week was
FABULOUS. I haven’t had a hard time at all adjusting to mission life. I don’t
even think about not having my phone. Seriously, this is not hard for me to
adapt to. It's another adventure that I
can’t wait to experience more of. I
learn so much all the time. The devotionals are amazing. Just last Tuesday
we had Bruce C. Hafen, a General Authority, come and speak with us. He spoke on
how, faith is not blind. It was very good.
I learned that we just need to forget that what we think is best for us
and let our loving Father take over. He knows what’s best.
Just the
other day my companion and I were teaching an investigator (just an actor),
Jean-Baptiste, and no it’s not John the Baptist, that’s just a common French
name. Anyways, we were teaching him
about the atonement and repentance as well as the doctrine of Christ, which is
baptism by emersion, repentance and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost by the
laying on of hands. Anyways, we were going
to ask him to get baptized, since it was about our 4th lesson. Right before I
entered the room that he was waiting in I said a prayer to myself asking that I
might be led by the spirit. I mean I had bullet points on what I wanted to
translate from English to French, even though I knew it wouldn't sound good. I
asked Heavenly father to help me know what to say and be comforted and also be
able to get by and have Jean know enough of what I was saying to understand. As
soon as I was bearing my testimony in French I felt the spirit so strong. In previous lessons it never turned out like
this. In fact, in was pretty terrible. I mean I didn't know how to teach in
French. But this lesson was so much more, so much more powerful and the spirit
was definitely in the room. I bore my testimony and was getting choked up I
almost started crying. This was also right after Jean, the ami
(investigator/actor) said he wanted to get baptized. So I was thrilled. My
testimony in French went something like this, "I know that God lives. The
Spirit is true. Baptism important for eternal life. Church true. In the name of
Jésus-Christ. Amen." I knew we all felt the Spirit. It was so special.
Then the investigator/actor turned out to be my teacher the next day and then
all spiritual feelings were replaced with embarrassment. He’s
so nice. He never told us that we were terrible or that we needed to improve in
anything. He said he loves missionaries and that we were not exactly teaching
Jean Baptiste but more him. We strengthened him and his love for our Father.
Mom, everything
you do for me is amazing. I loved what
you wrote in my family journal, I love that, because it’s probably true and I'm
going to really work on it. I want to love the country, love the work, and love
the people. So thank you.
Mason (Stuart)
I cried a little when I read your letter to me. I miss you and I can’t wait to
see you again. I cried at the part that said, "My advice is don't freak
out about the spiders, I know you can handle it... I'm proud of you..." Yeah I know weird spot to cry, but I'll miss
you saying that to me. I'm almost getting teary eyed writing this to you.
Anyways... thanks for the advice LOL. Oh and I prayed for you and your driving
test. Hope it went well.
Bryce, thank
you for your words, I loved them and can’t wait for my own experiences. Do you
remember Soeur Larsen? She went to Lyon and remembers you. She’s my SYL (Speak
Your Language) teacher.
Kenzie, I
love what you said, "...use every second possible to do the Lord’s work.
You can’t get any of the time back and it will go so fast, make sure that each
moment you are focused on the Lord’s work... Have no regrets when looking
back..." I love that, because I don't want any regrets by the end of my
mission thinking what I could’ve done better.
My comp and I spend every second we can studying the
language, waiting in lines and whenever else. I also really found my love for reading the
scriptures and now I can’t seem to put them down. I love it! So thank you.
I have more to say and I'll make sure
to write more about each person and what impact they had on me from each of
their journal letters. I promise. I'm just limited on time right now.
Story time!
this might be rated PG 13 LOL. So apparently part of Germany is in our mission
boundaries so Berlin won’t let us into their country, just in case we go into
Germany, without checking to see if we have parasites first. So the medical
office here took our blood samples and then... ok... and then, *gags*,we all
had to poop in a cup (feel free to skip any of this next part) and take a 1/2
inch piece off and put it into a little jar and mix it up so there are no...
chunks... Good thing I didn't have to poop on demand because I wouldn’t have
been able to. Oh and medical closed at 7pm and I was in class which meant I had
to do my business and sleep with it by my pillow and bring it with me to
breakfast because I had breakfast before medical opened and I needed to eat and
wouldn’t have time to go to my room to get it or I’d be late .... yeah... how
do you even handle a situation like that?! Geezz!!
I did get the
packages. Thank you! I just LOVED the cricket sucker you two gave me... It
tasted sooooooo yummy.... yeah no that’s gross. I didn’t expect that. I gave it
to another roomy and she flipped out because she hates bugs... so you both
caused a great deal of entertainment this past week. Send me another one! I'll
put it in the sharing bin and see what happens LOL...I love the dearelder letters, I love hearing from you all. Tell people they can write me anytime. I love mail!! Tell Ashely to write me!! I need to talk to her LOL.
My companion’s
food is way healthier than mine because she goes to the diet room where people go
to get their food who have certain food allergies. See the photo comparison. My
food is at the top of the photo. Yeah and that's the best choice I could find.
No joke, no fruits or anything healthy. Sugar cereal and donuts and muffins.
For an organization that stresses healthiness, they don't do a very good job at
it LOL. I'm eating as best as I can. I
have a salad for lunch and dinner every day and soup and lots of fruit. OH well
I'm grateful I don't have to cook. Bless their hands and hard work. I’m running a mile a day with lots of arm and
core workouts. It’s brutal, but I like it.
I love my
companion and wouldn't ask for anyone else. We went to bed at 10 the other
night because we were very tired. We made had a deal that if we didn’t turn
lights out at 10 I’d have to run a mile without stopping... I was in bed by
9:50. If she didn't then I told her she had to say all the prayers in French
for all the meals, because I'm bad at it, (and I learn from her doing it). Oh we
also say the same things in unison a lot. It's freaking the Elders out. For
Elder: "what language are you Sisters learning?"
us: *in unison* "French"
Elder: "Cool, where are you going?"
us: *in unison* "Paris"
Elder: "wow, you work together pretty well huh..?"
Another day in classroom, the teacher asked us what
"besoin" meant and together in unison we both said, "NEED!"
We laughed and gave each other knuckles. It's quite funny.
languages in my building are cool. I'm on the fourth floor and we take the
stairs all the time. It’s painful but effective. The 6th floor I think are the
Asian languages so I see Walker Gentry a lot. Its' great.
There are a lot
of Elders that are way cute in our zone. We got way lucky... Don’t worry
everyone! I'm focused and I’m not going to elope!
We had the sacrament on Sunday in French. I definitely forgot that was going to be a
thing and I was really confused. It was really neat to hear the sacrament
prayer in French. I LOVE singing in
French from the hymn book, It’s so pretty and it gets me thinking that I’ll be
speaking and singing fluently like that shortly.
On Sunday we
watched the New Testament. You guys
should watch it if you haven’t yet. Anyway it’s the closest thing to a chick
flick you’ll get on the mission. Jacob
flirts with this girl and everyone watching is laughing. I turn around to see
this Elder hitting himself in the face and rocking back and forth muttering to
himself. It was very funny, but after a while it got annoying. I get it; you
all miss dating. But pull it together I'm trying to learn about Jesus. Elders
are the best and I love missionaries. ;)
Glad Stocks
farewell went well. Love that kid!
Another thing
that happened was a sister missionary in another group had extra In-and-Out fries
and asked if we wanted them. We did! It
was yummy. Their mission President here surprised them with In-and-Out and they
had extra. It was a nice surprise and treat for the end of our day yesterday. Oh
and I just taught my companion to do laundry. She's never done it before. Glad I
could help.
Love you all
and I love hearing what you are doing. Glad the house is going well. Dad I'll
write you in a little bit, I have some things I need to ask you. Love you and be safe, I'm praying for you!
Love Always,
Soeur Hunt
P. S. People can write me whenever I love getting mail!
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Best companion EVER! |
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The desk area is not mine but the closet on the right is |
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I'm the bottom bunk |
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